Thursday, 29 November 2012

Birthday Season

Apologies for the lack of posting recently, but it's been birthday season. If you aren't familiar with this phenomenon, let me fill you in. Between September and December, almost every single one of my friends (albeit this isn't a huge figure) gets a year older. Therefore this usually means a large amount of baking. This year however, late in August when my mum realised what was approaching we mutually decided that I would only bake for people I actually liked (in previous years I have got slightly carried away I'll admit) and that whatever I baked had to be preplanned and the amount of time it will take has to be seriously considered (I once spent 12 hours baking... my kitchen/my mums nerves have never fully recovered).

With these rules and regulations in mind, I set to baking. I made chocolate cake with surprise smarties in the middle, various forms of sponge cake and a rather large quantity of Slutty Brownies. However, in all my birthday excitement I didn't take any pictures of these creations... I know I'm a terrible blogger. 

So many many apologies. I will post soon but until then you can still read about the amazing time Rosaline is having at university here (she got 59% in her first essay as well - proud!)

- Ellie x